Saturday, June 4, 2011

E3 2011

Just few days remaining until 2011's E3 (Electorinic Entertainment Exposition, EEE) expo. It's planned June 7-9 and the convention's location will be at the Los Angeles Convention Center.. I'm personally waiting news about NGP, new games for PlayStation (tm) platform and PS Suite.... 

Pre-E3 news was about NGP's some possibilities and some games demos/screens..  I saw screenshots of games on NGP and I'm pretty excited wit it's graphics, Uncharted: Golden Abyss screens looks like PS3 version of uncharted, also WipeOut 2048 and others too... NGP is also backward compatible with PSP titles that are available in PS Store, some NGP games, like WipeOut, Hustle Kings, Dungeon Defenders will also feature Corss platform play between PS3 and NGP -  that's pretty cool :D Imagine Playing Pool with your friends with PS3 and NGP together...

So, if you have chance to go to E3, don't miss it, I'm pretty sure expo will be really HUGE in this year and maybe you'll see some Nintendo's "Project CAFE" news on it... I'm so sad that I can't go on expo, bul with all my spirit, I'll be there :D ..

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